Monday, September 14, 2009

Gotcha Day Part 2!

We finally met Amanda today (Mon. the 13th here in China at about 11:30am) and officially brought her into our family. She's sleeping soundly as I type this (at 10pm in Zhengzhou). She's wanted to be held a lot much of the day, which isn't surprising and we have obliged!

She has a sweetness and fun personality. A few of the families including ours had to wait about an extra 1 hour for our kids to arrive for the "handoff." So I'm glad that part is over. Amanda looked around a lot but interacted with us and didn't even fuss or cry at all.

I need to get some sleep while she is sleeping but I hope to add more details tomorrow.

Some of her caretakers...she was taken good care of at her orphanage and it shows.

This is one proud grandpa! He REALLY likes her!


  1. So adorable. We're excitted fr you guys.

  2. Congrats!!!! She is beautiful!

    Nicole (CCAI WCP Yahoo group)

  3. She is so cute and looks so sweet. CONGRATS! Enjoy!
