Saturday, February 27, 2010

Pink Thunder

This is the name Brett has given her as a nickname. Her two older brothers (aside from Judah) are called by me "the thundering herd" (since that's the sound they make wherever they go). So now we have Judah, pink thunder, and the thundering herd. I had some sort of idea in my mind that having a girl would be different. It is, but not in ways I expected. She is really cute when she likes to snuggle, give kisses, and feed her doggy that she carries around everywhere. I expected that in some ways. What I didn't expect was her climbing abilities. Of the three mobile toddlers I have had, she is the only one to climb in and out of her crib. She is the only one to figure out how to get on top of the counter chairs in our kitchen. The only one to climb onto the table, and the only one to figure out how to make the kitchen drawer handles into a ladder. This, I did not expect. I thought the boys would have been the instigators of all of the above. Nope - just pink thunder...

Friday, February 19, 2010

Peace maker

When Amanda is a little on the crabby side or needs a little entertainment, she surfs on over to the 24/7 prayer room at the International House of Prayer ( It's a live stream of music and prayer. She just stands there mesmerized for a while. She'll hear the music starting up and run to the computer from wherever she is in the house.

Good clean entertainment. Won't warp the brain...Also gives her some great guitar moves.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Latest word...

Brett is predicting we're going to start getting some sentences out of Amanda by the time she is three or soon thereafter. The latest word:


As in "Amanda don't touch the Wii remote." "Why?" (said with a little whine - she's got the whole intonation thing down).

As in "Amanda come here." "Why?"

She knows what she's talking about. She most likely picked that one up from her brothers. They teach her quite a bit - both the good and the bad.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

She voluntarily said...

Mo caka...Yes, she actually asked properly for "more cracker". She even did it without me prompting her to tell me what she wanted because she was whining. We are on our way to verbalizing needs and wants without whining! Ta Da!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What Amanda loves

Swimming with her Dad. She LOVES the pool.

Riding in her princess carriage being pushed by her loyal servant Nathan

Fancy clothes and pony tails in her hair

She is learning to love a dolly! Yes people she is no longer terrified of the baby doll. She is learning to embrace the dolly - make friends with the dolly - love the dolly.

Now, as you may remember, she has become a Barbie Doll for two of her older brothers. Apparently, she is also a sticker book.

Yes Amanda - it is pretty funny.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Learning to talk

Yesterday, the speech therapist came over for Amanda. He pulled out his pictures and had her repeat what he was saying. She started repeating stuff like bike, apple, banana, puppy, ssss for snake and a whole slew of other words. I was amazed. I had no idea all that was in her. Mostly what I have been getting lately is a point of the finger and "gudlek". Then she repeats "gudlek" like I know exactly what she's talking about. Then she gets mad because I don't understand "gudlek". SOOO nice to be at that point in speech. It gives me hope that she too will be able to talk to me...