Sunday, September 13, 2009

Touring in Bejing

I talked to Brett for almost an hour on Skype which I was really needing. But, he now has decent internet service and has sent me an update:

At the Bejing airport, which is amazing architecture in itself.

With our CCAI guide Sindy.

A funny sign on the corner, for some reason they must have had trouble with people playing the trumpet there.

With my dad at the Olympic park, in front of the bird's nest. Ginormous!

My dad at the Great Wall, Breathtakingly awesome to see.
It was quite a workout going up at the most steep area with 70 degree steps. If the Wall was laid straight in the U.S. it would go all the way from the East coast all the way to the West coast.

I went up pretty close to highest tip of the Wall. It was a beautiful clear day and that isn't often the case in Bejing. They have done much to improve the air there.

Yesterday we also went to a Chinese acrobatic performance which was amazing.
We also enjoyed a tea ceremony where our group learned about the different kinds of teas, how to drink them properly, what the benefits of each one is, etc.

We arrived today in Zhenghou ("jeng-jou"), which is the city where Amanda has lived in an orphanage. It has about 6 million people in it and the whole province has 100 million. We are staying at the nicest hotel in the city--Crowne Plaza.

Tomorrow morning (Monday) is the big day where we go get Amanda. I'm a little apprehensive since I don't know how she'll react but I'm at peace knowing this is being orchestrated by God!

We are enjoying getting the know the other families in our group who are also adopting kids from the region. Two others are from the same orphanage so that could help with Amanda's transition. I'm thankful that my dad and I have adjusted well to the time change and been catching up on sleep the last two days. We just wake up at about 3:30 in the morning each day!

I'll share some updated photos of Amanda tomorrow...


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