Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The good, the bad, and the ugly

The good: Amanda is fitting in surprisingly well. She has decided that she likes me as her caretaker and maybe someday I'll graduate to Mommy status. She is preferring me to Brett and follows me through the house. She's a snuggle bug and a really happy little girl. Her brothers like her. I believe Nathan sees her as "that other kid in the house", but once things settle down a bit, they'll get along fine.

We like her!

The Bad: We are really trying to find anything she likes. She's content to carry a graham cracker around the house and just nibble from it. She's lost a lot of weight and having a child who's decided to be picky is not a good thing. I called our Chinese neighbor (who happens to be from the same province!) and she said many people are lactose intolerate there just because they can't afford dairy products. She also suggested where I could get some better tasting rice in our grocery store because as she puts it "American rice is awful!".

The Ugly: At the doctor on Monday, they found a double ear infection and a burst eardrum and gave me all these viles to fill up to check for digestion creepy crawlies. Then the Tuesday doctor took a lot of blood work to check for all those things they need to check adopted children for. In a few days, we'll find what is going on with her digestive system. So, healthy children are a blessing! I wonder how she'll be when she feels good!

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