Tuesday, September 15, 2009

She's a Benson!

Today, Brett officially adopted Amanda. She's a Benson and according to the Chinese government, an orphan no more. There's a lot of waiting for stuff to happen, so he can't come home yet. As Brett's dad says, "A lot of hurry up and wait." She's been eating a lot - even eating too much. Enough to give her tummy a little disruption on both sides. Despite what they said, she's really not potty trained which is fine. We can just do it here and I'll understand her more to know when she has to go. So, enjoy the pictures. I'm so proud to be her mom.

Here's Amanda at the hotel. As you can see, she's smaller than all the 24 month sized clothing I sent. Oh well - something to grow into!

Apparently, she has quite the fun personality. She's just so happy to be with people and likes to imitate people. She's very interested in EVERYTHING. I am sooo baby proofing this house before she comes.

Once again - her personality shines through.

I sent a backpack with Brett to carry her around China.

This is the local superstore in Zhengzhou. Talk about visually overwhelming!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Beth and Brett. This is all so, so wonderful. It's also prompting a flood of memories from when we adopted Evie and Eli in China. Praying for your family and the reunion to come!

    Jeff Braun
