Saturday, September 26, 2009

Amanda is home!

First, the house was prepared. We put away all small toys and made a sign. We were very excited. Brett's plane was delayed by 45 minutes.

Our first glimpse of Brett! Yay! They are home!

We got Amanda in her carseat. I had prepared the boys for a lot of crying and possible screaming, but she didn't. She giggled all the way home. She sucked down a bottle of rice milk and proceeded to eat a bunch of mashed sweet potatoes with chicken. There was a little trouble putting her to bed and she needed to make sure Brett was around. Then finally sleep! She woke up ready to play at 1:30 and then went back to sleep around 5:30. She ate breakfast! I'm thinking we're in the honeymoon stage, but so be it. It's been an easy transition.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Bensons: Please know that I am praying for you everyday. You have done a selfless deed by adopting Amanda and I'm sure God will help you grow as you have good days and not so good days ahead.
