Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Who needs Barbie Dolls?

We aren't the type of parents that would purposely give our sons Barbie Dolls. If we had, they probably would have made them into a guitar (we have children who made everything into guitars instead of guns). Side note: we have not taught Amanda the skill of making everything into a guitar. Instead she has picked this up on her own. Yesterday, it was a bath brush guitar playing little girl. There must be something in the home atmosphere because it has gone beyond the gene pool...Anyhow - back to the Barbies. The boys have never been interested in dressing up the stuffed animals or dolls that they do have. But then came Amanda. She has become their little Barbie doll. She's game too which makes it all the more fun for them.

Here she is as Mary. No baby Jesus yet...

Look, baby Jesus has entered the picture along with a couple of bears.

Here's a standing picture which apparently wouldn't be complete without the bears.

Now, we just don't do Mary and baby Jesus around here. We also have the pink hat which according to Nathan is "cute on her". But we have to add a little cute meets Star Wars. And Amanda willingly goes for all of these costume changes. Who needs Barbies?

1 comment:

  1. i just can't believe how much she's grown and bloossomed since our time in China! amazing :O)
