Sunday, March 28, 2010

A trip to the zoo

We originally thought the zoo would be our intensive therapy to get Amanda not afraid of animals anymore. That was before she started singing the "doggie" song (you know the one where they sing doggie doggie doggie over and over again?). And before she started thinking that all dogs are just fine with her. So, the zoo became another experience for her to just relish the life she has.

The day was not all that warm, but it was warm enough to feel comfortable in winter coats outside, so we were just fine. Judah stayed home with a babysitter and the rest of the family took off for the zoo. They did things like climbing through tunnels:

and going to a bird show to which Amanda in typical Amanda fashion made friends with the people in front of us and proceeded to say "Uh oh" to every bird that went flying through the air above us.

We also visited some bears, tiger, and oh my a leopard. Now to be fair, in this picture, Amanda looks somewhat terrified of it, but she in reality was right up there with the leopard staring it in the face while it did the bored leopard pace. This picture more reflects Amanda proclaiming that she was ready to go and run around some more so get me off of this ledge.

All in all, it was a good day and we had a boatload of fun. We can't wait to go back.

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