Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hearing test #2

Amanda and I (Beth) went in for another hearing test - this time a sedated hearing test. It's somewhat scary how fast a drug can put someone to sleep, but anyway...She was having a hissy fit even before she got to the room. She was hungry with a capital H. She couldn't have food or water in her system for this test. She also knew something was going on and it wasn't going to be fun. They had to put an IV in. They try to numb up the site, but it only works so well. It made me wonder what kind of attention she got with her surgeries in China. There seems to be some indications she didn't get enough pain medication or maybe even a nice snuggly person to hold her when she was afraid. We bonded. She's never been as snuggly as she was this morning. It was nice to be her security blanket.

They found out she had mild hearing loss (which I knew) and that it seems to be mostly because of her eardrum rupture. Her inner ears seem to be working fine which means that she has the capability to hear near normal someday. So, now we see what Dr. ear nose throat says about all this.


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