Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Waking up happy

For the first month and a half, Amanda would wake up crying. The afternoon nap was particularly hard since I think she was a bit disorientated to where she was. I think she was grieving the loss of what she had left behind. Most days after she woke from her afternoon nap, I would cringe knowing there was an hour of crying and temper tantrums to come. Unless we would be able to get outside (which she loves now), there was no distracting her. Now, she wakes up like this:

She is one happy camper. She will talk to herself to go to sleep and when waking. I no longer cringe when I go to get her. All is well in the world. Brett and I think finally, she feels safe and loved.

Now, just because I have some more pictures, here you go...

She really is a diva at heart. I thought the red sweater would be too warm, but she insisted. She kept feeling the fuzzy fabric and picked out the shoes to complete the outfit. She loves looking pretty and dressing in cute clothes.

This is why little kids draw people with such long legs. That's all they see when they look up.

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